Award Process
The Award Categories are judged on parameters like:
- Year on Year Growth
- Operational performance
- Efficiency parameters
- Variety of Cargo handled
- IT efficient
- Customer Friendly infrastructure & facilities
- Network
- Customer Satisfaction
- Growth in Inventory
- Enhancement of safety
- Performance based on the data available from the Government Authorities / Trade
Bodies & Growth etc.
Filing a nomination is compulsory to be a part of this award process.
Companies are allowed to nominate in as many categories as they deemed themselves
to be fit.
Nominations are accepted only against a signed declaration from the designated personnel
from that company that all information furnished is correct and binding.
Any information found to be untrue at any time would render them disqualified from
the process.
Rules For Nomination
Nomination entries are free of charge. No cost is involved in nomination entries.
The deadline for nomination entries is on Wednesday, 7th August 2024.
The organizers reserve the right to reject the entries submitted after the deadline.
The official online forms are available at for filing nomination
Entrants may submit entries in more than one category. However, a separate form
must be completed for each entry. One can nominate oneself or the third party for
Not more than one nomination to be made for each selected category.
No correspondence will be entered into concerning the eligibility of any application.
The judges shall have the sole and absolute discretion in determining whether or
not an application meets the requirements of or is in accordance with these rules
and conditions. If deemed necessary the judges may request further information or
clarifications from the entrants.
The management reserves the right to withdraw, alter/modify or make amendments in
any of the award categories only if required and found necessary at the last minute.
Download the entry form from
Entrants must provide sufficient supporting to enable the judges to understand the
process and the merits.
The form with supporting must be submitted electronically.
No entries will be accepted in hard copy.
All entries will be acknowledged immediately on submission. If the acknowledgement
is not received within 24Hrs., please contact Mr. Makrand by
email :
Mobile: +91 8108950215
Submission of the entry form confirms that the entering company or organization
understands and agrees to the Rules of the Scheme.
Entrants will also be notified by e-mail if they are short-listed.
Judging panel will assess all submissions. The winner will be announced during the
awards ceremony at the Northern India Air Cargo Conclave & Awards 2024 on Friday, 27th
September 2024.
Awards Presentation
The entries which are short-listed, Finalists, will be informed before the Award
Ceremony. Please ensure that the short listed companies depute their representatives
for the award ceremony.
Each winner will receive a trophy and a certificate.